Cliff Outdoors is a family owned business located in Casper, Wyoming that designs and manufactures unique practical outdoor gear. Their current product line is geared to needs of practical fly anglers. Two of Jeff’s favorite products are the Bugger Beast Fly Box and the Bugger Beast Jr. Fly Box. If you are at the stage where you have accumulated and want to organize lots of big flies, these are the boxes for you. These boxes hold lots of flies!
Best of all, you can have Jeff personalize your box with your favorite fish species on one side or both. Click on the photos below to see examples of some of the fish Jeff has done and order up your box now or check Jeff’s schedule and watch him decorate your box at a show. Jeff can do any fish you want – far more than the species he has pictured here. In fact, challenge him!
These unique and one-of-a-kind fly boxes decorated with Jeff’s artwork were featured in a news article by Paul Bruun of the Jackson Hole News and Guide.
Click to view more fish on Cliff Fly Boxes:Warmwater–Saltwater– Swimming Fish –Custom Art
Cliff’s Bugger Beast
Dimensions : 13.5″ X 9″ X 3″
Box with straight fish on one side $100 or a fish on both sides $150
Add Shipping charge : $19
Cliff’s Bugger Beast Jr.
Dimensions : 10″ X 6.5″ X 2.75″
Box with straight fish on one side $95 or a fish on both sides $145
Add Shipping charge : $17
or (Best way to get Jeff!)
Telephone (208)534-8362
P.O. Box 1084
Hayward, WI 54843