SOULFISH 2 is fly fishing’s ultimate adventure film created by the talented Mikey Wier and Burl Productions. A multidimensional story about fly fishing today and an in-depth look at some of the sport’s most interesting characters, including Jeff Currier. Experience what it’s like and witness some of the most explosive and breathtaking footage ever captured from four continents.
SOULFISH 2 documents another epic global fly fishing adventure! Follow some of the most dedicated fly anglers in the world as they chase some of the greatest game fish on the planet to waters around the globe. Including Taimen in Northern Mongolia, Steelhead on drys in remote British Columbia, a grand slam on the flats of Belize, Largemouth Bass deep in the heart or remote central Mexico, Redfish and Black Drum in Louisiana, giant Bonefish on the beautiful flats of Oaho Hawaii, Nile Perch and African Tiger Fish on the Nile River in Egypt, and you end up back in California for some epic trout fishing on some remote and beautiful streams and rivers. 90-minute DVD.
Jeff and the crew survived camping near black wolves during a 140-mile float in remote Mongolia; scorpions, spiders and man-eating crocodiles in Egypt; banditos in Mexico; freezing temperatures in B.C.; rugged and remote backcountry hikes in California; suprising cold on the marshes of Louisiana; and the hot tropic environments of Belize and Hawaii; all to bring you the very best in flyfishing videography. SoulFish2, Fish Mode explores the minds and travel habits of some of the most notable characters in the fly fishing industry today including: Ralph Cutter, April Vokey, Brent Dawson, Jonathan Boulton, Coach Duff, Richard McPherson, Mike Copithorne, Bryan Carter, Peter Mullett and Mikey Wier, among many others.
To Order:
Send a check for $29.95 + $5 shipping to:
Jeff Currier
P.O. Box 1084
Hayward, WI 54843