Twisten Art

You may remember that last week I finished up a huge 22” x 30” Snake River Cutthroat watercolor painting. Well, it never made it to the Wyoming Gallery in Jackson Hole. In fact it never made it to the framer as I’m excited to say it was sold, packed and shipped to Georgia! In the … Read more

Cliff Fly Box Art Madness

Jack Dennis is a last minute kind of guy. On Monday he sent me a box of twelve Cliff Fly Boxes to put my fish art on. He planned to get these boxes to me on May 1st but just kept putting it off. Finally, last week he got around to ordering them and of … Read more

Put Down the Rod and Pick up That Brush!

Two weeks ago it appeared this summer was going to be a slow one for art sales. Boy did that change. In the last two weeks, both galleries that sell my work have sold my paintings and there have been several orders through my website. It’s very good news. Although I’ll still be fishing frequently, … Read more

Time to Make Fish

June 26, 2010 I took a couple week hiatus from painting when the Henry’s Fork opened up. However, the last few days I’ve been back at it. I worked up this watercolor brown trout for customer Dan Beistel of Florida. He caught the beauty below the Flaming Gorge Dam on the Green River in April. … Read more