One Show Down

Extremely heavy rains pounded us in Pasadena during the Fly Fishing Show from about 3 PM on Friday nearly straight through to Sunday morning. All the surrounding mountains of the Los Angeles got buried in snow making for a unique scene around the city. Then around noon on Sunday the sun broke through and although it’s unseasonably cold, we should have sunshine for a few days.

I’ve only been to the Pasadena Fly Fishing Show once and it was about five years ago. What I remember from it was that it’s much smaller than most shows and the attendance is lighter. However, it draws an attentive crowd that you can really visit with. This weekend was exactly that.

Fellow presenters included Gary Borger, Gary Graham, and Ken Hanley to name a few. There were a lot of good programs offered and things to see. More than anything, I cranked out some art. I painted up a California Golden Trout and with a sharpie drew up a smallmouth bass on a Cliff Fly Box for someone. Granny and I met a lot of nice folks and visited with old friends.

Today Granny and I took a casual drive down the Pacific Coast road to Laguna Beach. Here we met up with friends Karl and Tina Weber. They have a killer place right on the beach. We know them both from up in Jackson, Wyoming where they own the Gros Ventre River Ranch. Naturally because they are right on the beach, I strung up my 8-weight Ross FW and a 200 grain sinking line, grabbed their dog Izzy and made some casts before dinner. To my delight I landed two small surf perch. Tomorrow morning I’ll give it my best after breakfast.