Lockjaw for the Flats Fish of Belize Today

Turneffe Flats LodgeIt was another nice morning here at Turneffe Flats.  There were some clouds in the horizon but nothing to fear.  After a big breakfast Granny and I headed to the dock where we met our new guide, Kimbrel.  Kimbrel likes the tarpon and off we went to his haunts.


flyfishing for tarponLast time Granny was in Belize she caught a monster tarpon at the mouth of the Belize River.  Typically, the tarpon of Belize top off at around 80lbs but she landed this beast of well over 100lbs.  While they’re not common to this size, tarpon are one of those fish where you just never know.


flyfishing for tarponIts not tarpon season at Turneffe Atoll but there’s always some around.  Kimbrel’s method to find them was to hit the channels between flats and blind cast with the 12-weight.  I use the Scientific Anglers Saltwater Intermediate sink line which is a full intermediate sink.  Back in my early days in Belize it was all about the fly pattern called the cockroach.  These days the guides pick a black and purple Puglisi fly from the box every time.  Granny and I took turns at each hole but other than one subtle tarpon roll we didn’t see anything.


flyfishing BelizeAfter no action all morning, after lunch we decided to fish for permit.  Kimbrel took the poling platform and Granny and I took turns on the bow.  We were at the southern tip of Turneffe Atoll.  I took a crack at the original channel marker letting a Clouser sink deep but nothing.


flyfishing saltwaterAll the flats at Turneffe are gorgeous.  Today the light was perfect and there was little wind.  The problem however, there were hardly any permit. Right at the end of the day I spotted two medium size ones tailing.  My confidence was high and I placed a good cast between the two.  I was hoping to start some competition for my fly.  Instead a small mutton snapper acted as their body guard and ate my fly instead.  That was it.  The permit took off and our first tough day is in the books.


Turneffe Atoll BelizeAs we were driving back to the lodge the wind kicked up.  In less than 20 minutes the clouds thickened as well.  There’s weather moving in and word has it the rest of the week could be badly affected.  It is what it is.  For now its time for another scrumptious lodge dinner!


tarpon beer steinChristmas is around the corner.  DON’T FORGET my Online Store has gifts for the angler that has everything!  I have painted over 60 species of fish now available on my coffee mugs and frosted beer steins.  There’re also my new Solar Flex shirts in both men’s and women’s.  AND my growing collection of fish decals can be purchased on Amazon.

Be sure to keep track of my upcoming travels around the world!

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Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing