Bring On The 2023 Edison NJ Fly Fishing Show

flyfishingGranny and I are headed for The Edison NJ Fly Fishing Show.  Our three day layover in Wolfeboro, NH at Moms was a dream.  We had a heavy snowstorm on Monday that dropped 17” of snow.  We got in some snowy hikes and enjoyed watching the white stuff fall from Garwoods Restaurant, one of the local pubs.  The days were very relaxing.


Granny-CurrierWhile you would expect us to be driving the van to the NJ show, we aren’t.  Last winter when Granny and I were without a home and living in our new van, I stashed my 1991 Exploder at Moms in NH.  This East Coast Show tour is about retrieving it and bringing it to our new home in WI.  The old stick-shift SUV pulled off Marlborough last week but was running rough.  Being we are loaded down with my coffee mugs and beer steins we’re crossing our fingers we make it.  Not only NJ, but then to Atlanta, Nashville then finally back to WI!


fish-carsWe expect another busy one.  Last year the Edison Show was wiped out by a Nor’easter blizzard.  And obviously 2021 was wrecked with the pandemic.  All I can say is, “Everyone should be anxious and ready to have this great fly fishing show back in order!”


Amazing new pics in all Shows!

While Granny will be showing my art I have a full schedule in the presentation theaters and the casting ponds – see below.  Click on the presentation titles for the full details.  We hope to see you there!




1:00 – Strike Room – “Introduction to Saltwater Fly Fishing”

3:00 – Autograph Booth

4:15 – Pond 1 – “Casting in the Wind and the Double Haul”



9:15 – Pond 2 – “Fly Casting 101”

11:30 – Autograph Booth

2:45 – Strike Room – “Fly Fishing for Carp – A 20lb Fish Near Home”



9:45 – Strike Room – “Streamer Tricks for Larger Trout”

11:00 – Autograph Booth

1:15 – Pond 2 – “Improve Your Dry Fly Presentation”

Follow the daily events on my IG – @jeffcurrier65

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing