I’ve been quiet since returning from Sudan. I came home to heaps of work. If you look back at my 2014 schedule I’ve been home a mere 15 days. That will put anyone behind in the normal day life.
I also spoke to Boston Fly Casters in Massachusetts just the other night. So I barely got home from Sudan then it was off to the East Coast. Fun thing about speaking to Boston Fly Casters is that my dad belongs to this long historic club. Due to his health he hasn’t been to a meeting in years. This is a sport jacket and tie club and I had to borrow one from dad. So why not bring him along also?
We had a great time. My program was “Fly Fishing through Midlife Heaven”. I’m not sure dad knew all the places I’ve been in the last few years. He knows now and said he loved the show.
After a nice weekend in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire I’m back in Idaho and settling in for a month. I plan to work my butt off on my book, “The First 50 Years”, catch up on art, work in the yard and get some well needed rest. I’m sure I’ll sneak out on the water a few times but runoff starts any minute and fishing isn’t the best once it starts. As far as fishing I may just have to focus on packing for mahseer in Bhutan. Bhutan you say? I’m crossing my fingers – stay tuned!