Lily Pad Eating Deer

flyfishingI’m getting my moneys worth this summer.  It seems like it should be early September I’ve gotten out so much.  But heck, its only mid-July.  There are a ton more hot days and bass to catch.  But today, despite a nice early start on a nearby lake, Granny and I could hardly buy a fish.  Strange.


flyfishingGranny and I started our early morning popping for largemouth.  We put an hour on prime spots but didn’t move a single bass.  In fact, the only action was this stud bluegill.  Which in turn, made us focus on bluegill once realizing the bass were asleep.  But even they were hard to find.  We caught a total of four bluegill in four hours of hardcore fishing that included an hour for the bass, an hour for pike and then half the time for bluegill.


GrannyToday may have been the start of the dog days of summer.  What this means for me is that the fish have regained strength from winter.  They’re happy and due to the heat and the shortening of days, they are kicking back and taking it easy.  If a meal falls near they’ll eat it.  But during the dog days they don’t work too hard.


Nonetheless, it was a beautiful day to get a few hours on the water and as always, we found something interesting.  In fact, it was a first for me.  Unfortunately it occurred too far away for my phone camera.  But we watched a doe wade out past belly deep and feed on lily pads.  The cute thing is how picky the deer was in selecting the perfect pads to eat.  Cool stuff.  It reminded me more of watching a moose back in Idaho.  Always keep your eyes open even on the bad days of fishing!

Order an autographed copy of Jeff’s book on WARMWATER FLY FISHING


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

2 thoughts on “Lily Pad Eating Deer”

  1. Way cool! Since I am in a big fish slump the past 3 weeks I am reminded of this quote: “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau

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