Entertaining at Mossy Creek Fly Fishing

blog-March-28-2015-1-mossy-creek-flyfishingblog-March-28-2015-2-jeff-currier-speaking-in-vaTo say I had a fun day of entertaining the fly fishers of Virginia on Saturday for the Mossy Creek Fly Fishing 12th Anniversary Party is an understatement.  The day was an absolute hoot from 8AM till the wee hours Sunday morning.  I gave the PowerPoint presentations “Trout Bumming the World”, “Fly Fishing Warmwater” and “Fly Fishing through Midlife Heaven”.  Big fish pics get me fired up and I filled the time in between shows with some knot demos and even went outside to teach fly casting in the wind despite frigid temperatures.


blog-March-28-2015-3-jeff-currier-fish-artNot only did I pull off five gigs, but I drew on several fly boxes and a wall.  Yes, a wall.  The Mossy Creek fly shop has a wall already decorated by Tim Borski, Gary Borger, Brian O’Keefe and Kelly Galloup to name a few.  I worked from a precarious position for nearly two hours filling a space with a rising Snake River Cutthroat.


blog-March-28-2015-4-jeff-currier-tarpon-artworkFor the evening encore, I caught some of the 2015 f3t for the third weekend in a row then joined the entire Mossy Creek staff and all local Madison Trout Unlimited members under 40 for an evening of closing the local establishments of downtown Harrisonburg, Virginia.  Needles to say I’m a bit knackered after such a great day but with absolutely no complaints.  A special thanks to my Mossy Creek hosts Colby and Brian and their staff and all those who came out for the event.


blog-March-28-2015-5-jeffcurrier-cutthroat-artWhile we’re on the subject of speaking, this was my last gig of the 2015 winter season.  If you’re part of a fly fishing club or putting a fly fishing day together this fall or next winter, always keep me in mind as your fly fishing speaker.  I have more programs and subjects available than any other speaker out there and hiring details are here.


Buckle up – next blog I’ll be headed for the Middle East with the Winston, Simms, Abel, Ross and SA arsenal.  Could I be sporting some queenfish by weeks end . . . . .?  Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing