Cover Boy!

Jeff-Currier-fishing-magazine-coverIt’s been a long time since I was a “cover boy” on a big time magazine but I made the front of the current issue of Fishing & Travel MagazineFishing & Travel is the English version of Voyages de Peche (VDP), a magazine from France that circulates throughout Europe and the rest of the world.  It’s a superb publication that specializes in exotic fishing around the planet.


Though you rarely see articles from me in US fishing magazines, I on occasion write for VDP.  In this issue I have the feature and it’s called “5 Continents – 5 Most Memorable Catches”.  This includes stories of a stunning golden mahseer from India, a 24lb peacock from Brazil, a Napoleon wrasse from French Polynesia, an unforgettable Atlantic from Iceland and the cover fish, this huge Tanzania Tigerfish from Africa.  If you would like to get a copy you can find the issue at most big magazine stands but perhaps the easiest way is to order from here.


I’m headed out camping and fishing with family for the next few days.  It should be a blast.  Stay tuned.


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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