Popping for Gills

flyfishingBob Butler is on a fishing crusade.  He tried this morning for the musky that’s been riling him up this week – no luck – and for the first time in a few days he didn’t see him either.  So rather than try again this afternoon he opted to leave his own lake and chase oversized bluegill on nearby shallow weedy water.  I got the invite and at 3 PM we were launching his boat.


bluegill-fliesOnce again, I’m falling behind in my work with all this fishing and blogging so this will be short.  We caught a ton of nice bluegill and numerous largemouth up to 12”.  A great three hours of fun.




flyfishing-championsI mentioned behind in work and included blogging.  FYI, I went back and wrote in detail about my day by day accounts with Team USA winning the GOLD in Italy last month.  Start on July 16 and go through the 23rd when you’re ready for some entertainment.  Winning a medal on the world stage doesn’t come easy!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing