First 2020 Trip the the Henry’s Fork

Henrys-ForkMy friends Steve and Lisa Berry’s short visit to Idaho ended this morning.  Last night Granny and I led them to the gravel pits on the Henry’s Fork to camp and enjoy a hotdog feast.  We arrived around 7:45 PM and should’ve wadered up and fished.  It was calm, warm and absolutely gorgeous and there were a bunch of big rainbows rising.  But sometimes its nice just to kick back and enjoy the show without the rod in hand.


Jeff-currier-Henrys-ForkThis morning however we got up early and had a Trouthunter breakfast at 7 AM sharp.  Then we walked into the Harriman Ranch from the Last Chance parking lot.  At that time, it was calm and cool – perfect conditions for rising rainbows.


Though the Ranch has been fishing well, there were only a few fish up.  I pointed out a sizeable head for Steve and Lisa to go after.  They eased their way out.  Lisa made a couple casts but then she handed things over to Steve.  He used my drag and feed technique that we worked on while floating the Rizzo River on Sunday.  On his second cast he hooked up but after a headshake and a high leap the fish was off.


Steve-BerryAt nearly the same time, I had a fish of my own to work too.  He was only rising about once every three minutes – typical of some of these Henry’s Fork rainbows.  I timed my cast accordingly and sure enough the fish ate first cast, BUT I missed him and he never rose again.  Perhaps that month of popper fishing for smallies has me out of rhythm?


Henrys-ForkThose two fish would be the only chances we’d get.  The four of us walked for a few more hours but didn’t see another fish rise.  What we did see was an increase in wind.  By the time Steve and Lisa left us the wind was creeping up to 14 MPH.  Granny and I struggled till 1 PM and at that time we had gusts of 25 MPH!  The fishing day was over.


Currier-troutbumIt was a nice visit with my great Arizona friends.  Tonight, Granny and I devoured a nice meal at Trout Hunter and hung with friends Ben Smith and David Buxbaum.  Now we are retiring to the back of the Explorer behind the old A-Bar.


We got skunked first trip to the Fork, but as always, there’s more to this fishing thing than fish.  Tomorrow will be time to get back in the work, workout and enjoy my Victor Idaho routine.  And hat aint half bad!


Be sure to catch my IG Live tomorrow night July 8 with friend Jorge Trucco at @jeffcurrier65 at 5 PM MST

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing