Memories from Selwyn Lake Lodge 2015

blog-July-1-2015-1-transit-air-saskatchewanThe smoke was back this morning at Selwyn Lake Lodge.  There was so much of it that there was concern about flying out on our way home.  But although we were late, not leaving till 5 PM, we made the first leg to Stony Rapids on the Beaver.  Departing at 5 was in a nick of time to catch the 6 PM Transwest Air flight from there to La Ronge then Prince Albert then on to Saskatoon.  It was a rugged ride dodging thunderheads and smoke.  We arrived in Saskatoon around 10 PM, just in time for a fun night on the Canadian town.


A special thanks goes out toe RA Beattie Outdoor Productions and Ron Striker of Adventure Destinations for bringing me along on this unforgettable adventure to Saskatchewan!

RA Beattie Photo

Here are a few more pictures from the trip.

Austin Trayser Photo

The shadow of the De Havilland Beaver across one of the many lakes of Saskatchewan.

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

Another pike goes down on the Winston, Ross, Titan Taper combo.

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

Austin forgot his pliers for a pike trip.  Same as no gun for gun fight!

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

I’m joining the band now that the Breedlove guitar has a pike on it.

blog-July-1-2015-7-underwater-pikeOne of my best photos from the trip – point and shoot Nikon Coolpix AW130.

RA Beattie Photo
RA Beattie Photo

Ron Striker flying one of the most reliable planes on earth – De Havilland Beaver.

RA Beattie Photo
RA Beattie Photo

Austin with and average Selwyn Lake Lodge lake trout.

blog-July-1-2015-10-ra-beattie-and-austinRA Beattie and Austin Trayser making another fun fly fishing film for the F3T.

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

RA Beattie on break from filming.

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

Fly fishing for northern pike from Selwyn Lake Lodge with Adventure Destinations.

Austin Trayser Photo

Casting from the Beaver – never in my wildest dreams was I expecting this!

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

We only had time to go once but the Arctic grayling fishing was every cast!

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

Another 40” pike release from the South Arm on Selwyn Lake.

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

So much water in Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories and so little time!

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

Another lake trout falls for the “Currier multiple fly rig”.

blog-July-1-2015-18-ron-strikerThanks to our pilot Ron Striker this freaking spectacular trip was possible!

Austin Trayser Photo
Austin Trayser Photo

We caught at least twenty pike 40 inches long or better – magnificent fishing!

blog-July1-2015-20-selwyn-lake-lodgeThe midnight sun on our final day – 2 AM on the dock at Selwyn Lake Lodge.

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

4 thoughts on “Memories from Selwyn Lake Lodge 2015”

  1. Janet – glad you enjoyed and thanks for letting me know. It makes all the time I put in worth it! I missed you last year but I’ll be around most of August this year. Safe travels!

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