I’m enjoying a nice week at home. Temperatures outside are miserably cold which is good because such weather keeps me inside. I have plenty to do starting with cleaning the salt off my reels, rods, pliers and etc from the Baja trip. Salt can take its toll on your equipment if you don’t clean it up quickly upon return. Save an old toothbrush (Granny gets ticked if I use hers!) to get the nooks and crannies of your reels and take your rods and raingear in the shower. I’d like to add, my Ross reels and rods as well as my RIO lines and tippet worked fantastic as always. These are products that can handle salt, sand and huge fish.
I’m also catching up on artwork, getting presentations ready for two weeks of shows in California and making travel preparations. Not only am I packing for CA but I’m even packing for Brazil. I don’t leave for the Amazon until March 3rd but I don’t get home from this CA road trip until March 1. There won’t be much time!
Here in Victor the snow continues to pile up. I spent at least six hours shoveling yesterday. I did my porches, roof and the driveway. During my breaks I watch the battle of the birds (like this flicker) from my computer. This is by far the best bird year Granny and I have had at our feeders.
For those of you from the Boise, Idaho area, I will be there doing seminars and presentations with friends Pete Erickson ericksonfishing@yahoo.com and Phil Rowley flycraft@shaw.ca March 26-27. The event is called “Confessions 2011 Tour” and offers two days of presentations from the three of us. This is will be a fun filled weekend. For information email us or visit a local Boise fly shop!