Life Size Arapaima comes to Life

blog-Dec-29-2014-1-jeff-currier-fish-artwork-arapaimaIn March my friend Jed Mixter of Jackson, WY caught a 68” arapaima in Guyana and commissioned me for a life size painting.  I work in watercolor and I couldn’t find quality paper in this size to suit my style.  I spent hours on the internet looking for answers.  A few years ago I had fun with pastel and looked into the option of this for my medium on this arapaima. Sure enough I found paper.

blog-Dec-29-2014-2a-jeff-currier-fish-artMy next dilemma was that I’d never caught or handled an arapaima.  Jed’s pics were ok but pics do not do a fish justice.  You just don’t get a feel for the REAL colors.  By miracle, in November I went arapaima fishing and had the great pleasure of holding three of my own.  Upon return I was ready for this challenge and I spent the last three weeks completing the monster piece of fish art!

blog-Dec-29-2014-2b-jeff-currier-fish-artworkStarted with that crazy looking arapaima head.

blog-Dec-29-2014-3-arapaima-fish-artJust kept on going from there.

blog-Dec-29-2014-4-arapaima-artToo many scales on these amazing fish!

blog-Dec-29-2014-5-arapaima-artowrkThe tail would be the most challenging artwork of my life!

blog-Dec-29-2014-6-arapaima-art-by-jeff-currierAh. . . .  Success!

blog-Dec-29-2014-7-jeff-currier-arapaima-artworkThe arapaima was truly coming together after two weeks of consuming our kitchen!

blog-Dec-29-2014-8-jeffcurrier-arapaima-artworkCompleted December 28, 2014!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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