The old red Explorer was limping badly when we started this West Coast speaking tour (Victor – Seattle – Portland – Tracy, CA – Pleasanton, CA – Fresno, CA – Victor). Every mile we put behind us is a relief. It’s the transmission that’s going. On the highway the engine screams at 4000 RPM’s and it takes a couple shifts to move forward at traffic lights.
Other than the concern for breaking down with all my show stuff it’s been a great drive. Above is Mt Shasta as we entered northern California yesterday after a visit up in Portland, Oregon.
Tonight I’ll be presenting “Fly Fishing through Midlife Heaven” for Tracy Fly Fishers. I’ve added in some arapaima stuff from Guyana per their request. Then tomorrow we striper fish with Ben Byng and Steve Potter on the California Delta.
Starting Friday it’s the Pleasanton Fly Fishing Show. Here’s my speaking schedule for the weekend:
12:30 – Release Room – “Fly Fishing for Carp”
2:15 – “Casting in the Wind and the Double Haul”
12:15 – “Fly Casting 101”
11:00 – Release Room – “Fly Fishing Warmwater – Bass, Pike, Carp and More”