Switching of the Lodges

blog-July-3-2013-1-Tsimane-LodgeToday we traveled from Secure Lodge to Tsimane’s second lodge, Pluma Lodge.  The word is that Pluma has the better fishing of the two.  I’m not at all disappointed with our days at Secure Lodge but the guys, whom I’ll add have been here at least three times each, said these first three days were the worst fishing they have experienced in Bolivia.


blog-July-30-2013-2-Jeff-Currier-BoliviaTo change lodges involved a boat ride, a plane ride, another boat ride and a four wheel drive jeep ride I’ll remember as one of the gnarliest.  In fact the plane ride was right up there also because I didn’t have a seat and sat back in the luggage compartment.  It was so hot it was almost unbearable; luckily it was literally a twenty minute up and down flight.


blog-July-30-2013-3-Pluma-LodgeThe jeep ride took at least an hour.  The so called road is muddy from a rain that took place two weeks ago.  The tire tracks through the mud are 18” deep and full of water.  I can’t imagine what it must be like during or right after a big rain.  I know it’s not good because recently a group was trapped in Pluma an extra four days.


blog-July-30-2013-4-Pluma-LodgeThe travel day was all part of the adventure that included seeing another chunk of Bolivia.  And the Pluma Lodge, like Secure Lodge is located in absolute paradise.  How they built this place this far out in the Bolivian Amazon should be ranked as one of the Great Wonders of the world!


blog-July-30-2013-5-Butterfly-in-BoliviaWe had this afternoon to relax so I left my rod behind and went for a walk with Tom and Dale while they fished.  I brought only my camera.  There are amazing butterflies here and getting a photo of one took my afternoon.  This picture is of a small one – but what a wing design.


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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