When I promised the blog was about to spice up after my last speaking gig of the winter season back in late March, I was serious. Since April 5th I’ve been home a mere seven days and traveling and fishing the rest. After Baja Granny and I spent two days home then I traveled cross country to Wolfeboro, New Hampshire and Lake Winnipesaukee.
We’re here to visit the family, do a little warmwater fly fishing and relax at the family cottage on the lake. We didn’t get out fishing right away by any means today but after purchasing groceries and fishing licenses we were on our way. Because Sunday isn’t a school day, my companion was my ten-year-old niece, Sierra.
Sierra has her own fly rod that I got her several years ago. She’s pretty proficient with her little 7-foot pink outfit and she went to work on the local sunfish population. I rigged her up with a Chernobyl ant and she twitched the edges of newly growing weed beds and caught about a half a dozen bluegill and a half a dozen pumpkinseeds.
Fly fishing for the smaller sunfish species with top water is one of my favorite pastimes. No doubt, its these small cooperative fish that helped me develop my basic skills of fly fishing. There will be plenty more sunfish days to come this week along with some of the larger species like smallmouth and largemouth bass.
We ended day one with a kick ass barbeque with mom and some friends. There’s a store here in Wolfeboro that sells delicious kabobs of about whatever meat you want. Kabobs and Redhook ESB beer and this vacation is underway!