Celebration of Life and Fishing on the Henry’s Fork

Being home for a change is the greatest thing in the world.  For me it’s like vacation from vacations.  And best of all its Henry’s Fork time and the best dry fly fishing of the year.


It’s also when I spend time with some of my longtime friends.  Many of my Henry’s Fork pals are much older then I, ranging from their early 70’s to late 80’s.  They’re amazing people that still enjoy the troutbum life and living out of their trucks.


Unfortunately each winter it seems one of our ole Henry’s Forkers passes away.  This year two did and last night we had a celebrations on the banks of the river for them.  One friend, Bob Jones was in his 80’s and one of the nicest people you could ever meet.  Friend Brad Smith was only in his 60’s.  Many of you met Bradly when you shopped at the Grub Stake for a sandwich or a drink right there in Last Chance on the Henry’s Fork.  Bradly and his wife Dionne own it.


The famous Railroad Ranch opened to fishing today.  Instead of fishing Granny and I left camp at 5 AM to get home.  Granny had to work in Jackson and for me, after being gone nearly since March, I have catching up to do on many things.


It’s important for me to get everything done because Tuesday is my annual Henry’s Fork Marathon.  I hope to see you there in the Last Chance parking lot at 7 am for the longest day of fishing of the year!  All are invited!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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