The Explorer shook like crazy all night from strong wind while the rain changed over to a crappy garbage type snow and slush. After a late night at the Trout Hunter Bar and Grill catching up with old friends, this weather you see was not easy to wake up to. However, fishing can be great on days like this and despite the harsh conditions, Granny and I crawled from the sleeping bags early. The big problem though is that these mornings are too cold and fishing usually doesn’t start getting good till mid afternoon. We didn’t have all day and while we checked on all parts of the river until noon, not a fish or insect stirred. We left the Henry’s Fork today without ever making a cast.
What made leaving not so bad is I’ll be teaching a fly fishing school and fishing tomorrow and Friday up at Flat Creek Ranch in Wyoming. Then on Monday night Granny and I return to the Henry’s and will fish Tue and Wed. I’ll bring Granny home so she can go to work and I’ll return Thursday night for the Ranch opener party and likely wet a line on Friday for a few more hours.
Saturday it’s back yet again because it’s Henry’s Fork Day. At 2 PM I’ll be giving one of my favorite presentations, “Fly Fishing Through Midlife Heaven”. Hope to see some of you there for this great fundraising event.
Almost forgot – my fishing doesn’t stop there either. On Sunday after Henry’s Fork Day, the 17th, I leave for Baja to meet up with my pal Sam Vigneri (My friend from Casper, Wyoming that takes me with him often). Sammy and I will enjoy a week of beach fishing with Grant Hartman. The Blog is on!