Dodging the Blank on Suttle Lake

Suttle-LakeAfter a delivering a fantastic full day seminar for the Fin and Fire Fly Shop yesterday, today was back on the water.  Team USA Master Fly Fishing Teammate, Scott Robertson, took his wife Sarah, Granny and I to a lake he’d been wanting to fish, Suttle Lake.  But though sunny, it was chilly.  I mean – its early March still no matter where and it was bone chilling cold both water temp and air.


flyfishing-oregonThe cold didn’t stop us from trying to catch a fish however.  While Sarah and Granny gave fishing a go for a little while, Scott and I never gave up.  But the huge brown trout Scott informed us were here, were good at hiding.  We fished the lake edges, sunken ponderosas, drop-offs, around schools of kokanee salmon and you name it, but we could not find a brown trout.


Oregon-fishingPersistence almost always pays off however.  Like in the World Championship competitions, when getting skunked is unacceptable, today was the same.  And by miracle, I tossed my double fly rig to shallow water near a few scattered weeds.  One strip and a small fish was on.  The tug came from a tiny stocked rainbow.  Not that exciting in the term of things, but despite difficult conditions, our boat did not get blanked!


fly-fishingWith the tough day behind in the rearview and tomorrow being the last while here visiting the Robertson’s, we’re headed for Lake Billy Chinook again.  Scott and I did well there on Friday and were certain we can put the ladies on a few nice bull trout tomorrow.  Stay tuned!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing