Granny continues to recover nicely from her shoulder surgery. Today is exactly 3 weeks since she got cut. This is an operation we feared because of the pain and difficult physical therapy that comes with. And it’s the first 3 weeks that’s worst. But we are through this trying part and neither of us can believe it. Man how time flies.
Granny’s incisions are eye catching. She had the stitches removed last week and her physical therapist has her moving her arm a bunch of different ways. However, after PT it’s back to the sling. She will wear her sling until November 1 followed by another 6 months of PT.
With the need to be so careful with Granny’s arm she’s been out of work since September 24. If things continue to go well she will return to work the first week of November. This being said she’s been out walking the roads of Victor, Idaho just to get some exercise. She walked 7 miles yesterday enjoying the beautiful fall day.
Other than teaching the School of Trout last week on the Henry’s Fork, my last cast was nearly a month ago in Brazil. Granny’s inability to do much has kept me home. It hasn’t been a bad thing. I’ve been catching up on all kinds of projects around the house and my work.
Best of all I’ve been resting and doing physical therapy for the tennis elbow in my right arm. Luckily it’s improving because an unexpected run to Mexico to fish the flats came up for early November. After that is my long awaited Yellow Dog hosted trip to the Seychelles in December. This adventure includes a stopover in Dubai and Oman to fish with my friend Nick Bowles of Ocean Active on the way home.
Keep in mind it’s almost that time of year again where you’ll need a Christmas gift for the angler that has everything. Be sure to keep my art gifts in mind along with my custom Cliff Fly boxes and decals. As far as the Cliff fly boxes go, these take time to do. If you’re at all thinking of ordering one, Contact me now. Once I leave for the Seychelles late November there won’t be time left to have it for Christmas.
Glad to hear that you are healing, Granny.
We have always known Jeff had a winner and you tell him Suzanne and I suggest he keeps a blanket on you so you don’t catch cold! He needs you.