Being Home Aint So Bad

Today is officially the first day I can wake up and not be bummed that I’m home instead of fishing the Amazon. Had we been able to make the trip I’d be on the long flight home as I write. Now I can truly move forward.

I made the best of the week and got in some good outdoor activities in the snow. I cross country skied several days, hiked, ran and Granny and I worked every muscle in our bodies to the breaking point on Saturday when we summited a no-name mountain on the outskirts of Teton Valley. We hiked over about 8 feet of melting snow on snow shoes. You could say it was steep and deep and the pics tell the story. We’ll be feeling that workout for a week!

I also managed to catch up on some art projects. I decorated some Cliff fly boxes for Travis Mason of Deep Creek Fly Fishers in California. This is a great club that I’ve spoke at in the past. I know Travis from my visit to the club and ran into him again while at the Pasadena Fly Fishing Show last month. Deep Creek has one of the best looking club hats I’ve seen and Travis generously sent me not only one of the hats but also a club t-shirt. Being in California last month also got me fired up about golden trout so I painted one up this week. I plan to frame him up and hang him in my den until I stock up some of the local art galleries for summer.

The species info I posted last week about several fish of the Amazon was a hit. I had a few requests to do more postings similar when I don’t have current fishing stories to post. It’s a good idea and I’ll try to do more of it. I’ll probably post more exotic fish than what we run into with regularity just because its fun!

I could fish this week but I’m rolling with all kinds of projects that keep me home. I haven’t been home much the last 18 months so I’m kind of enjoying it. And the college basketball – superb. I only started following it a few years ago. I really enjoy it and my bracket is set. Also, being home won’t last long because next week I go to Boise for three days of giving seminars and then Granny and I head on our expedition to Madagascar. Madagascar should be some good blogging!

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing Website