How time flies – today was the last day of week one. You wait and plan for a year and then the trip itself goes past in a blink of an eye. The good news is it’s been a great one for everyone and we ended big with solid action, hamburgers and the premiere of “Waypoints”.
Don and I fished with Tourette’s fourth guide, Sven Verwiel. Sven is a young Dutch man born and raised in Kenya. Like Mark, Andrew and Greg, Sven’s guiding skills and knowledge of the African bush are no less than impressive.
We began our day with a little chaos. Just upstream of camp is a high beach that’s covered with crocodiles in the morning. The boat spooks them and one by one they crash to the water off the high bank. It was our intention to go a little closer than normal for some pictures. We got close all right. One of the crocks took the shallow route and unintentionally collided with our boat. Scary stuff not only for me because he hit where I was sitting, but I’m sure that poor 12 foot crock shit a brick!
Not far from there lives a colony of hippos. It’s a terrific tigerfish spot that’s rarely fished because of the hippos. We lucked out, the hippos were downstream a ways and we anchored up and swung our flies through. The results were incredible. Don and I landed a 12lb and a 13lb, two 8lb fish and jumped a handful of others. Then in our next spot I crushed a fat boy 14lb giant.
The last day puts you on the middle beat of the Mnyera River which means you fish near camp all day. Instead of lunch on the river we had the luxury of lunch in camp. And they celebrate our trip with a special lunch of hamburgers and French fries.
The afternoon session would be Dons time. I’m here another week and remarkably my shoulder is feeling better. I’d like to keep it that way so I kicked back, drank bottled cokes and watched Don go. Don caught six more tigers including a 10lb and a 12lber. Today’s fishing was no less than blockbuster – and Donald – what’s it like to have this week as your first international fishing trip? UNREAL!
It’s November 8th and therefore a special occasion took place after dinner, the premiere of Confluence Films fourth movie, “Waypoints”. The premiere takes place worldwide today and all ticket sales generated are donated to fish conservation.
There were no tickets needed for tonight’s special showing. I brought a sample copy of “Waypoints” that I received a few days before departure. After dinner we slipped the DVD in Marks laptop and about a dozen of us hovered around the tiny screen. Unless the showing in Johannesburg, South Africa started before us, we were the first showing in the world.
If you don’t get to see the movie today, keep an eye as it will likely show at a theater near you soon. And if you want to be sure not to miss it, Contact Me when I return as I should have a box full to sell when I get home. The movie was fantastic!
For information about this incredible trip feel free to CONTACT ME.
Be sure and visit Tourette Fishing – Fight it in Africa.
And ask about my future hosted trips through Yellow Dog FlyFishing Adventures.