One Down – The Marlborough Fly Fishing Show 2024

flyfishing-showShow season is officially under way.  This weekend I spoke at The Marlboro Fly Fishing Show in MA.  Granny and I arrived Thursday afternoon and after setting up the booth had a quick workout at the hotel gym then it was a short jaunt to our favorite Indian Restaurant of the trip, Mirchi Nation.  We were not disappointed!


Friday and Saturday the show was busier than ever.  I delivered two presentations each day before excellent crowds.  My “Fly Casting 101” was Saturday during primetime and I had a blast showing everyone how to cast and ended it with a story and a bow and arrow cast just for fun.


flyfishingBetween programs I spent time in the Autograph Booth and signed a few of my Warmwater Books.  Its been fun watching the interest in bass, pickerel, bluegill, carp and more grow over the years.  I also hung in my own booth and decorated several Cliff Fly Boxes.


showtimeSundays at shows are generally the slowest of any three day show.  To enhance a slow Sunday this weekend, Mother Nature dumped about a foot of snow in the area.  The storm began around 11 pm Saturday and by showtime Sunday morning the roads were an absolute junk show.  While there were some hardcore New England attendees, you could say we were snowed out.


Once we feel the roads here are clear of snow and ice Granny and I will point the Ruby Van north and head back to NH.  I have several art projects to work on and also have plenty of preparation to do for The Denver Fly Fishing Show that takes place January 19-21.  I should mention, Granny and I will be flying to the show so we won’t have heaps of my fish coffee mugs and beer steins.  If you plan to pick one up make our booth your first stop.  I also won’t be able to bring Cliff Fly Boxes so pick up your own and bring it to the show.  Backpacks welcome as well!

Follow the daily events on my IG – @jeffcurrier65

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

2 thoughts on “One Down – The Marlborough Fly Fishing Show 2024”

  1. Putting you name on one right now. And anyone else reading this and coming to the show, we are flying this year so inventory is limited. If you want one let me know and I’ll save it!

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