Its sad to say but come practice time this morning we had two men down. Both Pete and Mike sidetracked for breakfast yesterday with some fast food from the grocery store here in Hanušovice, Czech Republic and each seem to have food poisoning. Both puked and **** through much of the night. Pete could not physically get out of bed for fishing. Mike went fishing but puked and slept most of the day on the bank or in the car. He’s a trooper but it was ugly.
As for the fishing – it was the usual. We practiced with David Chlumsky on the upper reaches of the Morava River. It was good that Brett and Mike get to see this section of river because we’ll be fishing similar parts in the Worlds later this week. Bret and Mike are excellent Czech-nymphers to begin with so they caught into plenty of grayling fast.
This was our last day with the services of David. He has literally been our host/guide since Jerry and I arrived here on September 26th. If anyone ever wants a fishing guide for Czech or would like a one on one crash course to to learn how to Czech Nymph, David is you man. He’s truly phenomenal and for me it was incredible to spend time with him.
Its time to grab some chow in town. Mike went straight to bed after suffering on the river all day with food poisoning. Pete still looks terrible but managed to get on his feet tonight. Neither of them can eat anything yet without barfing it back up. We are crossing our fingers they feel better in the morning.
Sorry to hear this😔