What a fun weekend in the two Kansas Cities conducting a full day fly fishing seminar for the folks from Heart of America Fly Fishers. We covered all from my favorite PowerPoint Shows ranging from Yellowstone to Warmwater Fishing and then fly casting and a knot class. Things went well. I must add that the hospitality given by the HOAFF was exceptional. On Friday night Richard Martin and friends took me out for some fantastic country food and last night we went to the famous Jack Stack Barbeque at the Freight House in Kansas City where we stuffed ourselves and polished off several delicious IPA’s from the local Boulevard Brewery. What a kick butt work weekend!
Always keep my services in mind when booking a speaker for your fly fishing club events. I offer more PowerPoint options, casting seminars and even knot classes than any other fly fishing speaker out there. I’m nearly booked up for the remainder of 2013 however you can check my schedule or jump ahead and secure me for 2014. Full day seminars, two days or simply an evening of entertainment – booking me is easy.