The Johnny Boyd Carp Classic takes place on Saturday and Sunday June 2 and 3 on Blackfoot Reservoir in Idaho. There will be 25 Teams of three persons. Each team is allowed to weigh in three carp per day and must be caught by each teammate and not one individual. The weight determines victory for the entire tourney and there will be an award for the individual big fish.
My Team, “Could be Worse” has consisted of Ben Smith, Trey Scharp and myself for many years. Occasionally one of us misses it and we grab a sub. Unfortunately, this morning Trey had to make an emergency bow out. Ben and I will find a replacement before Friday night.
I planned to head up early this morning to practice fish. Wouldn’t you know, the forecast went down the tubes and this morning we had clouds, high wind and thunderstorms predicted for the entire day. I ended up leaving late and didn’t arrive at the lake until 2 pm.
I hit a window of reasonably decent weather and broke out my bran spanking new Winston 9-foot 5-weight Air. I tied on a rust colored crayfish concoction and without waders wandered towards some submerged bushes. Low and behold there were three mirror carp lingering. I flipped my fly to them and one pounced on it!
The nice fish hung me in the very bush they were near so I loosened my drag and let him go. I managed to untangle the mess and he was still on. Eight or so minutes later I landed this respectably fish that was approximately 12lbs. This new Winston should have a fine life!
The first cast jinx took affect however for the rest of the day. The nice weather disintegrated fast and soon I was dealing with a 30mph west wind. I tried for hours but the afternoon and early evening was more of a drive around while enjoying the Cubs game on my XM and admiring Mother Nature as she remodeled the landscape of Blackfoot Reservoir with ocean sized waves.
Apparently, tomorrows forecast doesn’t look too much better but Ben arrived along with friend Neal Henderson and his son Jack and we’ll get up and do our best!