Freezing on Boulder Lake

blog-May-12-2014-1-Boulder-Lake-WYI’ve pushed it to the limit.  I’m stressed out and out of time and I must get things in order.  I leave for Bhutan in the morning so here’s a blog about Boulder Lake in Wyoming that will be the shortest blog on record.


blog-May-13-2014-2-Jeff-Currier-flyfishing-Boulder-LakeI’m going to Bhutan till June 3.  This is a trip with the WWF for mahseer that came to fruition only two weeks ago.  Granny and I had to go camping otherwise wait till June.  We went to Boulder Lake and the weather Monday night was no less than a disgrace for mid May!


blog-May-13-2014-3-granny-currier-boulder-lake-wyWe were after big lakers on flies.  Tuesday morning it was 17º when we woke up.  Granny was dressed like we were ice fishing in January.  At least it started sunny but it went downhill fast.  We caught one measly laker.


blog-May-13-2014-4-boulder-lake-wyomingWas the trip worth it – absolutely.  The weather cleaned up at around 6 PM.  We had a bottle of red, homemade Thai food and a scorching driftwood fire.


Off to Bhutan .  Details of the trip to come en route!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing