No Blanks in Slovenia

June 7, 2013


blog-June-7-2013-1-Idrijac-River-SloveniaRain, rain and more rain today.   We hung around the Pri Jazbecu till 11 then went to the Idrijca River and threw on the waders and permanently wet rain jackets.  Vladi’s foot is almost better so he was ready to fish.  We went right to where we knew of a pod of rising rainbows.  They were there and Vladi spent the afternoon sitting on the rock and caught five.


blog-June-7-2013-2-rainbow-trout-in-SloveniaI went on yet another marathon walk.  I was hoping to relive the hike I took a few days ago with another big marble on a dry fly.  Unfortunately today was not the same.  I found only two fish.  One was a respectable rising rainbow that I jumped and lost.  Then I found this big rainbow nymphing.  I enticed him to a parachute Adams.  I came close to my first skunk of the trip today but instead I eked it out.  No blanks in Slovenia!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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