I’ve racked up a few frequent flier miles over the years but 2018 is becoming one of legend. Thursday afternoon I hopped on Delta and traveled to Detroit. I was picked up by BeAlive Media Vice President, Jonalyn Morris. BeAlive is the company that made the short film about Granny and me last month.
We drove north to Midland, Michigan where the BeAlive studio is located and indulged on a killer sushi dinner with my friends from Scientific Anglers before retiring for the night. The Scientific Angler Headquarters is just down the street from BeAlive.
On Friday morning I took over the @BeAliveoutside Instagram and spent the time visiting my friends at Scientific Anglers while being filmed live. Longtime friend Brad Befus and crew showed me some new product and we casted lines on their casting pond.
Numerous folks tuned in on the live broadcast and asked me questions about everything from my favorite fish species to fish for to travel tips. It was a blast.
I ended the morning decorating the wall of the bran-spanking new BeAlive office wall with a quick paint pen drawing of a brown trout. I was a bit shy on needed colors so it came out a bit more artistic than my normal style.
Once that was done it was back in the car to Detroit and soon on my flight to Salt Lake City then Idaho Falls then the long late drive home. It was a quick 36 hour trip across country that I must say was an absolute blast! Be ready for some cool YouTube’s to come from the up and coming BeAlive channel.
Next in line is a jaunt back east to give a one night presentation at the Osterville Anglers Club and then a full day saltwater fly fishing seminar for the Cape Cod Fly Fishers. Stay tuned because there will be some fishing!
Keep me in mind if your club needs a speaker – Contact Jeff