Goal Accomplished!

I left home around 7 AM in order to get a couple hours of fishing in on the Henry’s Fork before I did my presentation at Henry’s Fork Day.  When I arrived the weather was calm and warm and I walked about a mile into the Harriman Ranch before spotting two quality risers.  With limited time I knew I had to get one of them to keep my “streak” of a nice big rainbow everyday this week.  Sure enough, I fed the first one my Pale Morning Dun.  The massive fish ate the roughed up imitation and I set but nothing.  I missed him.  That made the other riser extremely important.  I regrouped and after about ten minutes of working him with my PMD I hooked and landed the gorgeous 18” trout.  I met my goal for the week!

It’s been a fantastic week on the Last Chance and Ranch section of the Henry’s Fork.  A lot of huge rainbows on tiny dry flies – not sure life could be any better.

Tomorrow it’s off to Baja to fish with my pals Sammy Vigneri and Grant Hartman for roosterfish.  I’ll do my best to keep the blog rocking.  As always, if I fall behind I’ll catch up.
When I get home next Sunday its right back to the Henry’s Fork for my fishing Marathon – the longest fishing day of the year.  In case you’re not sure what I’m talking about, check out the previous years:
Stay tuned. . . .