The South Fork at 10 Degrees

California friends Ben Byng and Steve Potter stopped by in route to the East Idaho Fly Tying Expo that takes place tomorrow and Saturday.  Both Ben and Steve are unbelievable fly tiers and will be giving demonstrations both days.  If you’re able to make this show you will not be disappointed.

Despite the fact that I should be packing to leave for India on Monday, working on art projects and catching up on some writing stuff, I took Ben and Steve fishing on the South Fork today.  Ben takes me fishing on the California Delta when I’m in his neck and he drops everything for me – so I gladly do the same.  The biggest problem with today was that the morning temperature was 10º!  You read this correct – 10 Degrees in April!

10º is tough on me let alone sunny California boys, but there was no backing out.  However, we should have given it a second thought because the South Fork was a rising from increases in dam release and runoff from tributaries.  Let’s just say the fishing was challenging but it was a beautiful float.  We landed a mere four brown trout.  None big, just good looking feisty 14 and 15 inchers.

Nonetheless today was a great one on the water with friends.  In fact friend Andy Asadorian and his friends Drake and Gordon of Mississippi joined us in their boat.  What a day – bitter cold – cold enough to freeze a net – but I’m glad I blew off work because days with friends are cherished.

This will be the last trout story for a few weeks, I’m leaving for India Monday to film fly fishing for mahseer.  Details to come this weekend followed by one hell of a bunch blog entries!

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