The Marlboro Fly Fishing Show 2018

I’m a third of the way through what I call the, “100 Days of Insanity”.  From around December 1 till April 1 I work almost every day focusing on my shows and speaking tour.  Its constant travel with long drives, planes and hotels to deliver fly fishing seminars, casting demos and speeches (of course a tiny bit of fishing).  It’s the preparation that goes into my talks and seminars that’s the most work.  But it’s a small price to pay for all the great fishing I get to enjoy the rest of the year.  To be honest, I love meeting folks and entertaining so the “100 Days of Insanity” should actually be called “Winter of Fun”!


This Friday through Sunday, January 19-21, I’ll be at the Marlboro, MA Fly Fishing Show.  I’ll be giving a wide range of presentations and casting demonstrations.  When not speaking I’ll be at my booth with my fish coffee mugs, beer steins, prints, decals and likely decorating a fly box with my art.  Be sure to stop by and say hello!


Here’s my schedule for the weekend:



11:00 – Casting Pond – “Casting in the Wind and the Double Haul”

3:00 – Release Room – “Warmwater Fly Fishing – Bass, Pike, Carp and More”

4:30 – Authors Booth


10:00 – Casting Pond – “Fly Casting 101”

11:00 – Authors Booth

3:30 – Catch Room – “Streamer Tactics for more and Larger Trout”


2:00 – Authors Booth

2:45 – Catch Room – “Fly Fishing Saltwater – Bonefish to Billfish”

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing