A Whale of Time Comes to an End

blog-Dec-15-2013-humpback-whaleMy marlin jinx will go on.  There’s not much to say about the fishing today, our last day of this trip.  Grant and his crew tried every trick in the book to entice a marlin to come from the deep to where I could cast my fly to him, but we saw absolutely zero fish.  Not a marlin.  Not a dorado.  Not a fish at all.  But the day was not lost.  We were treated to an exceptionally close encounter with a breaching humpback whale.  We stood in awe as this 80,000 lb animal took to the air close to our small boat.  I’ll never forget seeing this whale or the incredible sound his pectoral fins made when they slapped the water.

It’s not always about the fish folks!

Next week on the blog – a year in review – what a year it was.

Then it’s Show Time!

Happy holidays!

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

3 thoughts on “A Whale of Time Comes to an End”

  1. Erik,
    It was just as good as catching something spectacular. Wish I could have gotten him to eat something!

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