California Bound

I certainly enjoyed my nine days at home. The weather has been gorgeous. I got plenty of exercise on my skis, snowshoes, running etc. I completed some art projects including a pastel of this schipperke as well as some sharpie art on a few Cliff Boxes. I also edited pictures from the Baja trip earlier in the month – we sure didn’t catch many fish! That’s ok though because Sammy has us booked to head back in May – good stuff!

As fun as it was to be home, I like action and it’s time to hit the road again. Tomorrow I head for California to begin a nearly two week road trip that includes the Pasadena Fly Fishing Show, a one night speaking engagement in Fresno and the Pleasanton Fly Fishing Show. If you’re in the area stop by and catch one of my presentations and say hi.

I’ll definitely do a few posts while in CA. I’ll report after each show and hopefully I’ll wet a line along the way. I packed an 8-weight Ross FW and plan to hit the surf a few times between shows. I’ve had some decent fishing over the years with barred surfperch and last time I caught a spotfin croaker. The good news is the blog will explode with good stuff in March. We’ll kick off with a trip to Brazil and end the month by starting Granny’s and my expedition to Madagascar. Yup, were doing it. I can only imagine what kind of fish I’ll be writing about from Madagascar. Stay tuned.

after each show and hopefully I’ll wet a line along the way. I packed an 8-weight Ross FW and plan to hit the surf a few times between shows. I’ve had some decent fishing over the years with barred surfperch and last time I caught a spotfin croaker. The good news is the blog will explode with good stuff in March. We’ll kick off with a trip to Brazil and end the month by starting Granny’s and my expedition to Madagascar. Yup, were doing it. I can only imagine what kind of fish I’ll be writing about from Madagascar. Stay tuned.