One Flight Left

We are about done with our 18 hour layover here in Johannesburg, South Africa. It’s a complete flip – flop in time zones so we slept fair at best. I woke up around 4 a.m. and sucked coffee and managed my Fantasy Baseball Teams. Looks like the Chicago Cubs already lost one. Rats! Then I hit the gym here at our hotel and struggled through a work out. It’s tough to do anything after a 15 hour flight but I feel better from it. Now its time to head back to the airport and find our flight to Nosy Be, Madagascar. We get off that plane about 7 p.m. Madagascar time. I doubt I’ll have email access but you just have to check. The next definite entry will be around the April 9th. Until then, hopefully we will be catching fish and meeting our goals.

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing Website

5 thoughts on “One Flight Left”

  1. Stephen Drake said… I never knew you were a big baseball fan. Come down to Phoenix during baseball season and we can catch a game. Have fun in Madagascar. I’m completely jealous. That’s a place high on my list to visit. Heading to China for 3 1/2 weeks (honeymoon trip) in early May.

  2. Howdy everyone. Sorry for the delay. We have been playing hard in the boonies of Madagascar. You can only imagine their boonies. This is the first time I’ve had internet and it stinks. THe posts will come in order but only one at a time when I can. Thanks for reading up. Good stories to come!

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