I woke up sore this morning. I easily walked and ran two miles of beach yesterday in hopes to catch a roosterfish. Two miles should be nothing, but when you do it on a sandy beach with bare feet it uses every muscle in your body. And you can’t believe all the things you could step on while not watching where you’re going. I knew at breakfast it would take a lot of coffee and some hot sun to get the engine running again.
![blog_may_11_2010_2[1] blog_may_11_2010_2[1]](https://cdn.jeffcurrier.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/blog_may_11_2010_25B15D_thumb5B35D.jpg)
Saltwater fly fishing takes it out of you like no other form of fishing and because I’m exhausted I deliver the short version of today. We caught three small roosters, some hound fish (giant needlefish) and some big ladyfish. We got some great casts to larger roosters but got the usual serious look, a fierce follow and on went the breaks and away went the rooster. Man it’s exciting! The most important thing is that we did better than yesterday. If we can keep doing better, there’s no doubt that by weeks end Sammy and I will catch some great fish.