“Currier” Art Featured in This is Fly Magazine

blog-Oct-2-2015-pheasant-artwork-by-jeff-currierI’ve been cranking up the art the last ten days.  I’ve been decorating a few Cliff Fly Boxes and doing some painting.  I’ll have some flashy new fish species such as bluefin tuna on mugs, steins and all my products for that matter on my web store and now I even have a pheasant.  I already have a pheasant coffee mug of my own and can assure you he looks killer!


What I really wanted to highlight today however is an article in This is Fly Magazine.  Editor Paris Fleezanis contacted me in August to ask if I’d be the featured artist for the fall issue.  I was honored and the piece recently hit the press.  Enjoy this and the many other excellent articles.


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing