A Year in Summary – And Memorable Fish of 2012

2012 was action filled with 113 days fishing.  61 were on the home waters of Idaho, Wyoming and Montana.  26 were scattered around the US and 26 took place in foreign lands.  57 were trout days, 29 were enjoying warmwater species and 27 took place in the salt.  These outings led to over 50 species caught however only one new species of note, the tripletail in Belize. An enormous roosterfish off the beach in Baja more than made up for the downturn in new species caught.  That rooster was long sought after and he alone made the year.
There were challenges in 2012.  You probably remember Dad’s brain surgery for his Parkinson’s.  What doctors claimed was routine was as far from routine as this family could imagine.  I arrived in New Hampshire on August 20th to be with Dad for his surgery.  The doctors said he’d be out of the hospital in two days.  I remained in NH almost three weeks and Dad didn’t get home until late October.  The trying experience was a first.  The good news is Dad seems to be doing much better and I will return to NH in January for a visit.
There’s no doubt 2013 should be a good one.  To start the year I’ll be working my tail off.  I have a full schedule of speaking engagements and as always I’m playing catch up in the art.  But there’s plenty of exotic fishing planned.  Definite adventures already include Brazil, India, Bolivia and back to Africa.  I expect there will be some last minute opportunities as well.
Here’s one last look at 2012 with some of the years most memorable fish.
Sammy Vigneri’s roosterfish is tops.  Yes, we both caught huge roosters this trip, but if it wasn’t for Sammy, Baja wouldn’t have happened.
Granny wasn’t expecting a 100lb tarpon from Belize during the off season.  But when the massive tarpon took her fly she handled him like a pro both during the fight and posing for pics.
I got hooked on roosterfish in Panama in 1993 and caught many since.  But this one ends the quest for a monster . . . at least for a few years!
My brother-in-law has the waters I grew up on a mile from his house, but like most fly fishers, fishing for anything other than trout is rare for him.  Don poses with his first nice largemouth.
An impressive barred pargo off the rocks in Mexico.
I spent a lot of time in New Hampshire this year with Moms 70thand Dads surgery.  There was nothing more fun than watching the nieces pulverize the sunfish colonies around the docks of Lake Winnipesaukee.
My friend Libby with her long awaited first carp on fly!
It doesn’t look like much of a fish, but you should have been there.  What a fun day with the girls!
Big fish Day 1 in the Jackson Hole One Fly – Thanks to my guide Jean Bruun!

Here’s to a happy and healthy 2013!

7 thoughts on “A Year in Summary – And Memorable Fish of 2012”

  1. you can also saltwater flyfish egypt when the political issue calms down multiple grouper,snapper,emperor,seabream and mackerel species. amberjack,giant trevally and dogtooth and yellowfin tuna,bonito and various shark species. the year is barely begiining you never know what it holds. all the best fishing to you Mr.Currier

  2. dont forhet mahi-mahi, sailfish and mediterrainan bluefin tuna 🙂 and I live on long island were I personally fish for stripers,bluefish and brook trout.

  3. Happy New Year Jeff! My stillwater season will probably open at Pyramid this year. Then back to the usual West Yellowstone, Island park scene. Be safe on the road!

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