2014 will go down as my fishiest ever but my constant traveling forced many art, writing and other projects to the back burner. Since I returned from the Seychelles on December 11th it’s been hours upon hours of painting, writing and updating seminars for the 2015 Show season. I have no complaints. Being home has been relaxing and despite the long work days, very restful.
Tomorrow my near month at home comes to an end. My winter schedule starts and I’ll be traveling constantly. For the next three weekends I’ll be speaking for the famous Fly Fishing Show in Denver CO, Marlboro MA and Somerset NJ. Starting Friday it’s the Denver Fly Fishing Show. If you live near enough please come by and visit.
I’ll be doing my usual of coloring up Cliff Fly Boxes with sharpies as well as anything else folks bring me. I’ll have a table somewhere among the fly tiers only my table will be covered in my well-known coffee mugs, beer steins and more. If you’re familiar with these be prepared to check out some of the new fish available such as arctic char, yellowfin tuna, payara, channel catfish and walleye to name a few.
Between the artwork I’ll be busy entertaining in the seminar rooms and demonstrating on the fly casting ponds. Here are my seminar and demonstration times. Click on any of the presentation titles for full details:
1:30 – Release Room – “Fly Fishing Warmwater – Bass, Pike, Carp and More”
3:15 – Pond 1 – “Fly Casting 101”
10:30 – Release Room – “Fly Fishing for Carp”
12:15 – Pond 2 – “Casting in the Wind and the Double Haul”
10:30 – Release Room – “Fly Fishing Saltwater – Bonefish to Billfish”
2:15 – Pond 2 – “Casting in the Wind and the Double Haul”