Fly Fishing on Grand Bahama

by | Jul 7, 2017 | Uncategorized

Few ever think about a saltwater flats fly fishing trip during summer months.  I never used to.  It’s simply not popular because we love our own summer weather and fishing.  But I’ve learned over the years that summer is truly the best and most reliable flats fishing in Caribbean.  For the next four days I’m with Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures (YD) and H2O Bonefishing and East End Lodge in Grand Bahama fishing and teaching on film at the Yellow Dog Flyfishing Ambassadors Summit.


Jim Klug photo

I was first of the four Ambassadors in front of the camera today.  Film makers Bryan Gregson and Mike Greener filmed while Yellow Dog founders Jim Klug and Ian Davis asked me basic questions from “how I started my career” to “how to choose a bonefish fly”.   As mentioned yesterday, YD is building a collection of YouTube podcasts to allow their saltwater fly fishing clientele a chance be more prepared for trips.


Ian Davis photo

My session went on for about 90 minutes and it was fun.  We were on the porch of a closed bar in Freeport overlooking a gorgeous white sand beach.  The beach was being enjoyed by numerous vacationers, mainly European.  And mixed in with them were some more than respectable tailing bonefishWil Flack and I each got a hall pass from the camera crew and managed to land one of these normally wise bones.



Jim Klug photo

We finished our morning session of filming early afternoon.  After lunch we went out to the flats for the evening.  We took four boats and guides so that each angler had their own photographer.  This was the deal of the century for we Yellow Dog Ambassadors – we fished and our personal photographers documented it.


Ian Davis photo

I went with Ian which was nice because although we’ve been friends for many years, we’ve never done anything fun other than drink at a bar at a fishing show.  To be in a flats boat in the Grand Bahamas was a treat.  Our guide was Jay, owner of Bones Bar, and it so happens that he’s a fantastic fishing guide as well.  Jay never wears a hat yet can spot a puff of mud from a large feeding bonefish a mile away.


Ian Davis photo

Majestic thunder clouds filled the skies around Grand Bahamas.  Jay would pole us down a flat then we’d need to make a couple mile run to dodge an incoming lightning storm.  Throw in the evening light and photos barely describe how spectacular it was.


Ian Davis photo

Then there were the tailing bonefish.  At 6 PM our full moon spring tide was low.  The bonefish were feeding in such shallow water it was incredible.  It was so shallow that Jay suggested I hop from the boat and wade.


Ian Davis photo

I picked up four Bahamas bonefish this evening.  Everyone single one was a nice solid bonefish of 4-6lbs.  These fish are truly amazing.  While normal saltwater guide days end at 5 PM we fished tailers until 8 PM then returned to Pelican Bay for pizza and beer on the town.


It was a very productive day for the Yellow Dog Summit.  The guys feel like they got some excellent footage and I’ve seen the stunning photos from Jim and Ian.  Tomorrow it’s back at it only this time we’ll spend the entire day out on the flats filming and photographing.  It should be insane!


A special thanks to Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures, H2O Bonefishing and East End Lodge for making this incredible flats fishing trip possible!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing


Welcome to the Blog of Jeff Currier!

Contact Jeff

I started fly fishing at age 7 in the lakes and ponds of New England cutting my teeth on various sunfish, bass, crappie and stocked trout. I went to Northland College in Ashland, Wisconsin, where I graduated with a Naturalist Degree while I discovered new fishing opportunities for pike, muskellunge, walleyes and various salmonids found in Lake Superior and its tributaries.

From there I headed west to work a few years in the Yellowstone region to simply work as much as most people fish and fish as much as most people work. I did just that, only it lasted over 20 years working at the Jack Dennis Fly Shop in Jackson, WY where I departed in 2009. Now it’s time to work for "The Man", working for myself that is.

I pursue my love to paint fish, lecture on every aspect of fly fishing you can imagine and host a few trips to some of the most exotic places you can think of. My ultimate goal is to catch as many species of fish on fly possible from freshwater to saltwater, throughout the world. I presently have taken over 440 species from over 60 countries!

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