Humbled on the Henry’s Fork

blog-Aug-25-2015-1-tim-brune-henrys-fork-riverAt 1 PM Tim Brune and I headed for a day and half adventure over around the Henry’s Fork.  Along the way I phoned my Blackfoot Reservoir Carp Classic Tournament partner Ben Smith and he was quick to join in on the fun.  Ben moved to West Yellowstone this spring and guides for Trout Hunter.


We met at the Last Chance parking lot on the Henry’s and took our time rigging up for an evening walk in the Ranch.  We took our time because it was 90° – a bit hot for huge cunning rainbow trout.


blog-Aug-25-2015-2-tim-brune-railroad-ranchThere was almost nothing happening in the Ranch tonight.  While sitting on the bank enjoying a beer I spotted what I thought was a big fish.  Neither Tim nor Ben saw him.  It took twenty minutes later for him to rise again.  He was indeed big and again I was the only one to see him.  This time I slammed my brew and got in to position.


blog-Aug-25-2015-3-mahogany-dunAs always the first presentation is most important.  While Ben and Tim watched I got the clever rainbow to eat my Thorax Mahogany dun (the first Mahoganies are just showing) but I farmed him (to farm a fish is to absolutely screw up an easy opportunity to catch him!).  That wised the speckled giant up and after two more hours of trying to get him – I walked away.  His rise pattern went from once every twenty minutes to once a half hour.


blog-Aug-25-2015-4-flyfishing-the-henrys-forkLeaving that fish may have been a mistake because between the three of us we never had a shot at a big fish again.  That being said, had I stayed on him till dark and not caught him would have driven me insane.  Tim, Ben and I were skunked on the Ranch this evening but I can assure you we’re not the first!  We caught up at the Trout Hunter tonight and are sleeping behind the bar on the river.  Tomorrow we’re gonna throw our hat in the ring on Island Park Reservoir.


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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