Lucky it Didn’t Happen in Bhutan

Lucky it Didn’t Happen in Bhutan

It was a rough trip home from Bhutan.  Rugged.  Remember my tooth and jaw were hurting upon arrival to Thimphu after our extra-long drive from the river?  Well, pain woke me up around 3 AM the next morning.  Something was going south.  Knowing my predicament of 40...
The Unwelcome Transition Back to Civilization

The Unwelcome Transition Back to Civilization

I had my coffee fast and early this morning then hiked upstream and wade fished a run where you’re likely to find golden mahseer not chocolates.  Now that the trip is at its end I’m dying to hold one more golden nugget.  But no luck.  Not even a tug.    ...
Zhabdrung Death Day Anniversary

Zhabdrung Death Day Anniversary

It’s a national holiday in Bhutan today, the Death Anniversary of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.  Enjoy the read for those interested.  It’s pretty cool.  The day is of importance to our Bhutanese Himalayan Flyfishing staff and we were asked a long time ago not to fish...
Never Pass Up A Chocolate Factory

Never Pass Up A Chocolate Factory

It wasn’t a good night sleep for me.  About midnight the storms started.  While some sleep through the rumbles of thunder and pattering of rain, it wakes me.  I lay there watching the flickers of lightening.  I also worry about the river blowing out and becoming...