A Great Week of Warmwater Fly Fishing Ends

I’m sore from all the paddling I did today.  Naturally it was windy as all get out and I did most of the day by myself – actually the perfect way to end a great trip on the home waters.  The fishing wasn’t spectacular but I managed a couple nice smallies, one largemouth and a decent chain pickerel.  This was a great trip that might become an annual.  It’s back to Idaho in the morning.  I’ll leave you with a few more pictures from the trip.

blog-June-24-2014-1-yellow-perchYellow perch on the Ben Byng popper

blog-June-24-2014-2-pumpkinseed-sunfishMontana Currier with a nice pumpkinseed sunfish

blog-June-24-2014-3-fly-fishing-in-new-hampshireGranny relaxing in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

blog-June-24-2014-4-flyfishig-for-bassA New Hampshire largemouth bass

blog-June-24-2014-5-fly-fishing-lake-winnipesaukeeSierra Rose with a rock bass on her Ross Journey fly fishing outfit

blog-June-24-2014-6-flyfishing-for-pickerelFly fishing for chain pickerel

blog-June-24-2014-7-jeff-currier-flyfishing-for-bluegillFly fishing Back Bay for bluegill sunfish

blog-June-24-2014-8-fly-fishing-for-smallmouth-bassA smallmouth bass from Lake Winnipesaukee

blog-June-24-2014-9-flyfishing-for-pumpkinseed-sunfish“The” pumpkinseed sunfish

blog-June-24-2014-9-fly-fisihing-in-new-hampshireA great trip to Lake Winnipesaukee in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire!

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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