Almost to the Golden Waters of the Himalayas

Jim-KlugYellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures founder Jim Klug, master cinemaphotographer Chris Patterson and I are more than half way to the Himalayan Mountains of Bhutan enjoying about a 36 hour layover in Bangkok.  Jim and I arrived late last night.  Chris came in early this morning.  You’d think we’d devour some Thai food but everything around our Novotel Hotel was closed.  We settled for last call at the hotel bar.  There’s nothing wrong with ice cold Singha Draft and a thick crusted American style pizza.




BangkokToday we all did our own thing in the morning and then this afternoon we taxied into town to Khaosan Road where we were able to sit outside and drink beer and people watch.  There aren’t many places better to do so than in Bangkok.  We saw a lot of fun things and enjoyed a boat ride through much of the city.  After seeing many of the touristy parts we ate dinner at the famous Cabbages and Condoms Restaurant.  I’ll admit, had this not been recommended to us we would have passed.  But the place is legend and we crushed some true Thai.


BangkokIt was an early night because we fly to Bhutan in the morning.  The flight, which I enjoyed back in 2014 is one worth reading about.  We fly from here in Bangkok to Daka, India.  We don’t get off the plane in Daka but our pilots do.  They in fact get replaced by specially trained Bhutanese pilots.  Less than 30 pilots are allowed to fly an A319 in Bhutan because of the insane elevation gain through the Himalayan terrain.  The flight is listed as one of the most dangerous commercial flights in the world.  This sounds scarier than it is.  Its simply more dangerous than others but absolutely safe.  If you have a few minutes, check out this clip of the pilots view.  Very cool!


We will land in Paro, Bhutan and get picked up by our friend Bryant Dunn, owner of  Himalayan Flyfishing Adventures.  Then our hunt for golden mahseer begins!


I may report over the next couple days but once we hit the rivers of Bhutan the internet will vanish.  I’ll be writing my blogs daily regardless and once I hit civilization again the blogs and photos will load.  Fasten those seatbelts!

Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

4 thoughts on “Almost to the Golden Waters of the Himalayas”

  1. I can honestly say I’m really excited to hear about this trip!! Just the flight into Paro sounds like a fun experience! Say Hi to Jim and let’s try NOT to need the help of Global Rescue and have a safe trip..

  2. Thanks for sharing that video, truly magnificent views and a stunning approach to the runway. I got goosebumps watching it! I’m ready to go too!

  3. Reminds me of my first landing at my final destination in VietNam in 1968 in the back of a C130. Amazing skills on the pilots. Looking forward to seeing your adventures this trip. 6 degrees of separation note: Bob Klug, I believe, is brother to Bob Klug (Bishop, CA) who is one of my mentors over the years.

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