First Trip to Baja 2018

California tour – Pyramid Lake Nevada – Home Sweet Home.  Sounds awesome and easy.  It wasn’t.  My 750-mile drive from Pyramid Lake to Victor, Idaho was a slippery snowy Interstate 80 hell.  Made it in 12 hours though.  Once home I caught up on bills, shoveling, preparing for the next leg of the speaking tour and etc.


Also, in these 30 hours home, included packing for Baja.  There is a light at the end of every work tunnel.  The issue however was the 12” of snow on Saturday and the other 10” Saturday night.  Not good news for a long drive to the Idaho Falls Airport.  I left at 4 AM and by miracle made it (lots of excitement for yet another “Currier” story).


Despite making the airport by utter luck, my 7:40 AM Delta flight cancelled because of a mechanical.  I remained in Idaho Falls for 7 hours and missed the one and only connection to Los Cabo San Lucas and ended up staying in a cold snowy and boring Marriot Hotel in Salt Lake City.


Life goes on.  No body died.  And actually, during my 12-hour depressing layover, I dealt with a ton of emails that needed attention and caught up on airline ticket purchases.  I rarely sleep well but I also got a full six hours.


Today has been a great day.  My flight to Baja was on schedule and my great friends Sammy Vigneri and Grant Hartman retrieved me from the Baja airport.  We are presently north and we start fishing tomorrow!


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

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