Miraculous Execution of a New Fly Fishing Trick

fly-fishingI was wading a flat at Cosmoledo Atoll in the Seychelles during November 2021 and found myself fighting a large bonefish.  As the bone tired and I had him near, not one, but two Indo-Pacific permit showed up attempting to steal my fly right from the bonefishes mouth.  I couldn’t believe my eyes!  Naturally I’d rather catch the permit so in seconds I came up with a strategy, hoist the bonefish in at lightning speed then cast for the permit.  It didn’t work.  The bone didn’t come in that easy and by the time he did, the prize yellow permit were gone.


After the chaotic event I thought to myself, what if I loosened my drag and slacked that bonefish?  It was a barbless crab fly with heavy lead eyes.  I wondered, could that bonefish have shaken loose the fly and then gotten eaten by one of the ravenous permit?  I believe there was a chance.


flyfishingToday was my lucky day in many ways.  First of all, I got invited by my friend Tim Nolde to join him on his guided trip with my pals at the Hayward Fly Fishing Co.  Our guide was friend Eric Thue.  While we didn’t catch many big smallmouth bass, we caught a bunch and the takes were fantastic both on topwater flies and a lightweight streamer.


Near the end of this great day a repeat of 2021 occurred.  Of course the species were different, I had a tiny smallmouth bass hooked up and two others chasing the commotion.  Sure enough, they were trying to get a piece of my fly that was hanging out of the smallies mouth.  One smallie was slightly larger than the one I had hooked and the third was a dang nice smallie.  Not sure how this old brain did it, but in seconds it provided me with a flashback.  I dropped my rod tip creating slack to see if my barbless fly might slip free.


fly-fishingBelieve it or not, my plan worked and the fly shook loose, only it was the medium smallmouth that grabbed it next, not the big boy.  Amazingly, the big smallie became more aggressive, perhaps feeling left out.  You guessed it, I slacked the medium smallie and by miracle the fly came out again.  This time the big boy grabbed it.  My trick worked twice!


Currier-fly-fishingIt’s not often that crazy moves in fishing go well but sometimes they do.  I executed the hail Mary of all hail Mary’s in fly fishing and landed the larger bass.  All I can say is you should have seen the look on Eric and Tim’s face!


Today will be it for Wisconsin fishing for at least ten days.  My mom is having an unexpected surgery on Monday.  It’s a serious one but the doctor is confident it will go well.  Regardless, there’s always risk, and especially with Mom because she’s 82.  Tomorrow I’ll head for NH to be with her prior to and after the procedure.


Jeff Currier Global Fly Fishing

8 thoughts on “Miraculous Execution of a New Fly Fishing Trick”

  1. 3 years ago I was dry fly fishing a thick caddis hatch on the White in Arkansas and hooked up a nice 16” brown. When I had him close to boat the largest brown I had ever seen(30”+) lunged off the bottom at the hooked fish. I was convinced it was trying to eat the smaller brown, but thinking about it after reading this post, was probably trying to steal the fly. There are some real monsters in the White.

  2. Dave, that’s an amazing story as well! Who knows. Something to ponder forever. And I am familiar with the White. I’ve never seen one of the giants but definitely caught some nice ones down there.

  3. Forever to be known as the “Currier Trade” tactic.. possitive thoughts and prayers for your moms successful surgery & recovery, dealing with the same with my 82 year old mother also..doctors are deciding now…surgeries are tough at that age.

  4. Thank you Lance. Yup, these surgeries are risky at 82. But if all goes well we fall back on the 82 is the new 70 and there’s a lot of truth to that when we keep right on a movin!

  5. Crazy! Tim could not wait to share that story with us over a beer. Glad you could join us for the day.

  6. Wish your Mom all the best for a speedy recovery. She is tough. Masterful execution on the smallie. You know where i want to try the “Currier Trade up” soon. August 2022 blog.

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