Hefty Peacock Bass Bring Big Smiles

I’ve talked mostly about fishing this week but the Amazon has many more treats beyond the fish.  There are lots of animals, reptiles and birds.  The first two you rarely get to see because they hide so well in the rainforest, but the birdlife is incredible.  The ones...

Massive Peacock Bass of the Marie River

I’m back to my early up routine today here on the Marié River in the Amazon.  The chef had the coffee ready at 5:30 and I headed on the deck of the Untamed Amazon to work on my blog and watch the sunrise.  The skies were ominous showing signs of rain.   By the...

Hunt for the Giant Temensis

I advise fly fishing travelers to set goals for every trip.  But keep them realistic based on location, fish species, time of year, weather and your abilities.  Realize that “fish of a lifetime” don’t jump on the hook and persistence and patience are your best...

More Gorgeous Cichlids

The snow here in the Yellowstone Country is rising as fast as the water in the Amazon. Three days in a row we’ve woken up to fresh snow. By afternoon it gets warm and my last two ski days were mediocre because I waited and the snow got sticky. Today, I headed out...