The Quest for Yellow Permit Begins

One of the most prized fly rod fish of the Indian Ocean is the Indo-Pacific permit, best known as the “yellow permit” or in Australia as snubnose dart.  Being that Atlantic permit have been my nemesis fish species to catch I didn’t show much interest in Indo’s until 2014 when Granny and I targeted them … Read more

Three Hungry Permit in Belize

There were a couple changes when we woke up at 4 AM today here in Belize.  First and foremost, I felt much better.  Thank God!  Second, when we left Belize Permit Camp dock at 4:30 am, instead of the temperature being in the 50°s like each morning so far, it was 66°.   Skies remained … Read more

Beanie in Belize

Todays blog starts with a travel tip.  In the northern hemisphere, even in tropical destinations, December is December.  Its winter and it can get far colder than you may expect.  At midnight I turned the fan off over my bed here at the Belize Permit Club.  At 2 AM I added a blanket.  And at … Read more

Belize Permit Club

Today was a challenging day of permit fishing.  It started with Wil Flack waking us up at 4 AM.  It rained all night and it was drizzling as we made coffee.  I was basically in a coma.  4 AM here is like 2 AM in Idaho and for the last ten days or so I’ve … Read more

Put Down the Rod and Pick up That Brush!

Two weeks ago it appeared this summer was going to be a slow one for art sales. Boy did that change. In the last two weeks, both galleries that sell my work have sold my paintings and there have been several orders through my website. It’s very good news. Although I’ll still be fishing frequently, … Read more